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Home FAQ

General Question

What is is a business locator marketplace where you can post your business on map free. For example: Shops, restaurants, hotels, resorts etc.You can also post your products, foods, rooms etc. on our marketplace for free

What is Shopalian DP?

What do you mean by open source marketplace?

How do I know all about ?

Customer's Question

How to buy products?

Can I buy from seller's external source?

What’s the delivery or shipping charge?

What is a report?

What is the payment method?

What is the pricing style?

What is the last price?

What is the discount price?

What is the promotional price?

What is the purchasing price?

What is today’s offer?

What is the purchasing style?

Seller's Question

How to post?

How many stores or products can I post for free?

Can I post product in my local currency?

Who will deliver the products?

How to get payments?

Do you have any analytic system?

What is a custom URL?

Who will get this custom URL or Website?

I couldn’t find my category on your website?

How can I claim my business?

Can I link my main shopalian account with my branches?

Packages Question

How many packages do you have?

Free Account?

Premium account?

Merchant account?

What is a fire ads?

How to post fire ads?

What is a bump up?

How to do manual bump up?

What is your payment method?

How to pay?

Earn Money

How to become a brand ambassador?

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