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About us

Connect with us to learn how Shopalian works

Shopalin.com is a business locator marketplace where you can post your shops and restaurants free and it is also an open source marketplace where sellers can sell their products with map style and customers can buy products with different pricing style & purchasing style. There are also more business listing on the map like Business, Hotel, Resort, Events etc.

Why choose us?

We are the most flexiable marketplace in the world

Store & Restaurant
Make a free website
Increase 10x visibility
SEO marketing


Promote your products with different packages

You can easily promote your products with featured ads in our marketplace according to your desire. There are many packages along with free packages that helps to boost your selling.
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search engine on the market

Search anything you are looking for
Just type on search bar what you need and what are you looking for according to category
Find your products with precise location
Even you can find out the location of your product precisely on map
Explore from the best available products
Check out the best product from there that you really need and contact seller directly
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